Itaipu dam has the second largest rated capacity of all hydropower plants in the world, next after Three Gorges Dam in China. However, as the Paraná river has a more even flow throughout the year, the Itaipu dam in the end is the hydropower plant in the world that supplies the most energy. A normal year, this plant alone supplies more than 150% of the nuclear plants in Sweden together. The dam was built and is operated within a binational co-operation between Paraguay and Brazil, that then divide the energy in between them, The ground where it stands has a somewhat international status. Traveling in Brazil, I off course had to see this dam with my own eyes. Let's see some pictures I took. I photographed this overview picture of the dam for a start. The dam seen from the side. It doesn't look to vast here, but it's 7235 meters long in total. The turbines outlets are underneath the water surface and cannot be seen here. This is the outlet of cooling wa...
Love from The University of Chalmers! Thats me, because when you pronounce Love differently you get my Swedish name. Now and then I'm working on a project as a student, and I would like to share some of them with the rest of the world. Apart from what could be expected, the blog won't be designated to mechatronic systems exclusively. Hope you find something of interest.