The shop Clas Ohlsson in Sweden sells a spare anemometer for the WH-1080 weather station for a hobbyist friendly price around 15 euros. This anemometer can probably be found in other countries too. The WH-1080 spare anemometer Here you can read about how to use this anemometer together with an Arduino or any other embedded system. As we couldn't find any data on the characteristics of this sensor, we did our own calibration in a wind tunnel and the results are presented in the report above. This anemometer was used in a Bachelors Thesis project related to the devlopment of optimization of the Savonius Turbine, here tagged [VAWT].
Love from The University of Chalmers! Thats me, because when you pronounce Love differently you get my Swedish name. Now and then I'm working on a project as a student, and I would like to share some of them with the rest of the world. Apart from what could be expected, the blog won't be designated to mechatronic systems exclusively. Hope you find something of interest.