I've gotten it to start! The electronic systems had probably been doing their parts correctly for a long time. Problems were in the mechanics department of the engine, where valve clearance was missing. That resulted in that the valves never closed correctly and compression was lost. After fixing that, the engine once again gave signs of life just after a few kicks. First it didn't want to rev up, so I thought that the carburetor was giving me troubles as it usually does. I tried to move the ignition trig point from around 17° to 30° before TDC (the same as opening the breaker-points on the original system). The first of the aforementioned points is marked from factory with an “F”, 17° before TDC, and this is where the pre-ignition is supposed to begin when the motor is standing still. Point number two is the one 30° before TDC, also factory marked, but without text. Maybe that one marks when the spark is supposed to come when the engin...
Love from The University of Chalmers! Thats me, because when you pronounce Love differently you get my Swedish name. Now and then I'm working on a project as a student, and I would like to share some of them with the rest of the world. Apart from what could be expected, the blog won't be designated to mechatronic systems exclusively. Hope you find something of interest.